Dr. Raul Machuca Publishes Book chapter

Dr. Raul Machuca Publishes Book chapter

Dr. Machuca has been honored with getting his book chapter on Live Play Therapy Supervision published in the Developing and Sustaining Play Therapy Clinics book. Play therapy training clinics are an important aspect of the clinical mental health field. An approved play therapy training center should offer direct play therapy services to children and families and provide quality education, training, research, and supervision. While each setting may have a set of contractual standards for supervision, few offer advices for setting up such approved centers and training clinics.

In his chapter, Dr. Machuca introduces live play therapy supervision as a complementary method to the traditional ways in which play therapy supervision is done, particularly in the context of play therapy training clinics. According to Dr. Machuca, live play therapy supervision represents a valuable addition to the clinical supervision practices employed in the training of future play therapy practitioners. Specifically, the Live Play Therapy Supervision chapter proposes a working definition of live play therapy supervision, presents the advantages and disadvantages of using this model, explores some methods as well as techniques of live play therapy supervision, and describes the process of live play therapy supervision. In addition, Dr. Machuca defines the profile and role of the live play therapy supervisor, describes the supervisory relationship, and presents the implications and future research possibilities in this area.