Cyber-Security Month comes to a close

Cyber-Security Month comes to a close


Cyber-Security Month comes to a close


The Division of Information Technology through its Information Security Office recognizes that we all must be vigilant against cyber-security attacks at work and home. Last month we featured tips and resources to help the campus community stay cyber safe.

While many of us may not be aware, there are thousands of attempts made to penetrate the University’s systems on a daily basis. To counter these attacks, the University utilizes a strategy based on layers of protection as a mechanism of defense. Even though some of these layers are invisible to us as users, they are active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help safeguard Barry’s technology assets.  We want you to know some interesting facts about how some of these layers protect us.


Did you know there are 15-25 malware incidents detected and remediated daily by our antivirus solution in users computers?


These are the countries where Cyber-Attacks against the university originate from.



Did you know that only 12% of email sent to Barry is delivered and the rest is blocked as spam or malware?




Sponsored by the Division of Information Technology/Information Security Office. Questions, comments, and feedback about the content in this message, or any other computer or information security topic, please email