Message from the President

Message from the President

Dear Barry Students,

One year ago First Lady Michelle Obama announced her “Reach Higher” initiative to encourage students to complete their education beyond high school.  Students all over the United States helped mark the launch by wearing their college gear and sharing the importance of higher education on social media. 

This Friday, May 1st, the First Lady is celebrating the first anniversary of “Reach Higher” and wants students all over the country to join the celebration by wearing their college or university gear all day to support “National College Signing Day.”

So, let’s show our BARRY pride by

  1. Taking a selfie!  On May 1st, take a photo of yourself wearing a Barry shirt and post to social media using hashtag #ReachHigher.  Message – I chose Barry!  Join me.
  2. Taking an "ussie"!  On May 1st, take a photo with others (students, faculty, administrators) on campus in your gear and post it to social media using the hashtag #ReachHigher.   Message  I chose Barry!  Join me.


Your president and Barry alum,

Sister Linda