School of Business explores academic partnership with university in Argentina

School of Business explores academic partnership with university in Argentina

Dean Myriam de Marco from Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino de Argentina (UNSTA), a Dominican university, recently visited Barry University and met with assistant dean Paola Moreno and Dean Tomislav Mandakovic to explore potential academic joint initiatives.

Academic initiatives discussed include: a double degree at the MBA level and admission of UNSTA recent graduating undergraduate students to Barry University`s Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Management (MSEM); and organization of Barry University inbound business seminars for Argentinian students, entrepreneurs and executives.

“The potential partnership with UNSTA confirms the prestige and academic excellence of the Andreas School of Business,” said Mandokovic. “The school`s policy of opening doors to the global community is having an impact on business schools in Latin-America and Europe. This new partnership also adds value to our students by providing them with a new opportunity to interact with colleagues from a prestigious university in Northern Argentina.”