Mass for the Feast of St. Dominic

Mass for the Feast of St. Dominic

Celebrate Barry’s Dominican Heritage
Mass for the Feast of St. Dominic
Friday, August 8th
12:00 PM
Cor Jesu Chapel 

St. Dominic de Guzman was the founder of the Order of Preachers (commonly known as the Dominican Order), women and men whose lives are marked by study, common life, prayer, and preaching.  He founded the Order in Southern France in the 13th century.  The Adrian Dominican Sisters who founded Barry University are part of this great Dominican Family. 

The Dominican Order’s mission was to respond with the preaching of God’s grace and love to a people who had lost all hope in the goodness of this world.  Dominican Spirituality is marked by a life of study and learning aimed at responding to those in need.  The Order’s motto is “contempla aliis tradere” (give unto others from the fruits of your contemplation).  Our motto at Barry University summarizes Dominican Spirituality with the words:  * LEARN * REFLECT * SERVE.

Come celebrate our Dominican Heritage at the mass for the Feast of Our Father Dominic.

For more information, please contact the Department of Campus Ministry at and/or call 305-899-3650 or visit our offices behind Cor Jesu Chapel.