Disability Awareness Month: Quiz #3

Disability Awareness Month: Quiz #3

How much do you know about the Office of Disability Services? Take our weekly quizzes during October’s Disability Awareness Month to find out.

Write your answers in an email and send them to:stillman@barry.edu.

What you should know: Scenarios

1. Hi, my name is Kayla and I spotted a dog on campus today. He was fully grown and favored a Labrador Retriever. There was also a handle attached to his back. My uncle is visually impaired and uses a service dog, so I know this animal is not a stray. Who should I contact so the guide dog can be returned to his partner?

  • Contact Public Safety in Landon Hall at (305) 899-3335.
  • Inform the instructor when you attend your next class.
  • Tell a passerby that there is a loose dog on campus.

2. 您好 my name is Yi and I am a wheelchair user. My classmates and I were discussing art the other day and they mentioned that we have a gallery here on campus on the second floor of Thompson Hall. I would love to visit the Andy Gato Gallery; however, I am not sure if the building has an elevator that is wheelchair accessible. What should I do?

  • Contact Public Safety in Thompson Hall at (305) 899-3333.
  • Ask your friend to send you pictures of the portraits with their iPhone.
  • Contact the building manager.

3. True or False

Bonjour! I am Dreaux and I was recently enrolled at Barry University. I use a guide dog and I have a friend who also utilizes a service animal. Due to my status as a student, I am not required to provide documentation; however, my friend who will be visiting me throughout my matriculation must provide ODS copies of her documented disability.



4. Greetings! My name is Trevor and I am a Biology major. I recently sprained my ankle during soccer practice. Most of my classes are upstairs so I am used to walking up the stairs a lot; however, I now have to use the elevator due to my injury. Because elevators are not encouraged to use during an emergency alert, what should I do if we must promptly evacuate from the building?

  • Ask someone to carry you down the stairs.
  • Call Public Safety at (305) 899-3335 and then ask someone to help you get furthest away from the fire or danger until Public Safety arrives.
  • Approach the staircase with caution and proceed down the stairwell at a slow pace.

5. Hola, my name is Concepcion and I am the cashier for the dining hall. I have a student here who is accompanied by a dog and I am not sure if I should allow the animal in the food service facility.

  • Animals should not be allowed in the cafeteria under no circumstances.
  • Visually impaired students who are partners to service animals have the privilege of being served 3 main meals a day in the comfort of their living quarters.
  • Allow a service animal to accompany their partner at all times and everywhere on campus, except where service animals are specifically prohibited. The courts have upheld the rights of service animal owners to take service animals into food service locations.