Health Services Administration student leaves mark on Special Olympics

Health Services Administration student leaves mark on Special Olympics

Soledad Garcia Nieto taught healthy behaviors to special athletes

Three months ago, Barry University student Soledad Garcia Nieto, arrived at Special Olympics, Florida to complete an internship for the Healthy Community educational program.  The program’s facilitators were impressed that many athlete successes were a direct result of Garcia Nieto’s commitment to her students.

Many athletes adapted healthier behaviors, including walking and healthy food choices.  In fact, some students omitted soda from their diet, while others lost up to seven pounds during the 10-week nutrition program. In addition to providing nutritional guidance, Garcia Nieto translated Healthy Community materials from English into Spanish to assist Spanish-speaking athletes and their families.

“Soledad truly touched the lives of our athletes/consumers,” said Karlyn Emile, director of the Healthy Community program. “I am so very proud of her and much credit is due to the Master of Science in Health Services Administration and Public Health Dual Degree programs at Barry.”

About Health Community

Healthy Community is a premier, health care delivery approach that focuses on the whole person with an intellectual or developmental disability and provides integrated health care coordination that includes primary health care.
