Social Justice Stations of the Cross

Social Justice Stations of the Cross

The Department of Campus Ministry invites the Barry community to reflect on the Passion of Christ and social justice as we accompany Jesus on the Way of the Cross.

Date: Friday, March 15, 2013
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Meet at Thompson Lawn

We will carry the cross of Jesus through campus as we reflect on his Passion in relation to questions of social justice. Each of the fourteen stations will have a meditation on Jesus’ journey to the cross and issues of human life and dignity. This event is sponsored by the Department of Campus Ministry and the Catholic Faith Association. It is open to all, especially to Christians of all denominations.

About the Devotion:


The Stations of the Cross (also known as Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, and Via Dolorosa) is a devotion which seeks to take Christians on a “mini Pilgrimage” through the major scenes of Christ’s sufferings and death. Catholics use this mediation in preparation for the celebrations of Easter.

1st Station

Jesus is condemned to death

2nd Station

Jesus carries his cross

3rd Station

Jesus falls the first time

4th Station

Jesus meets his mother

5th Station

Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene

6th Station

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

7th Station

Jesus falls the second time

8th Station

Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem

9th Station

Jesus falls the third time

10th Station

Jesus is stripped of his garments

11th Station

Jesus is nailed to the cross

12th Station

Jesus dies on the cross

13th Station

Jesus is taken down from the cross

14th Station

Jesus is placed in the tomb

The Way of the Cross can be traced back to the practices of early Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem. They would follow in the steeps of Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion in the city of Jerusalem. This came to be known as the “Via Sacra” or Sacred Path. Access to the sacred sites in Jerusalem became difficult and a more accessible way of meditating on the Passion of Christ was developed in Europe as early as the 5th century. This consisted in marked paths that would trace the same journey that pilgrims followed in Jerusalem. What we know as the “Way of the Cross” today, which begins at Pilate’s house and ends in Calvary, took shape in the fifteen and sixteen century.

For more information, please contact the Department of Campus Ministry at and/or 305-899-3650 or visit our offices behind Cor Jesu Chapel.