The Department of Sports & Exercise Science wins the Engaged Department Award

The Department of Sports & Exercise Science wins the Engaged Department Award

We are ‪#‎barryproud‬ of our HPLS Family for their representation at the Barry University 2016 Community Engagement Awards Ceremony on March 30, 2016. The awards honor students, faculty, staff and partners for achievements in teaching and learning, scholarship and service, and partnership building.

The Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences received the Engaged Department Award, Sandra Acevedo,Coordinator of HPLS Glocal Outreach, recieved the Service Award, Asha Starks, SESA Undergraudate Student, earned the Individual Community Impact Award, and the Barry University Athletics Softball Team was awarded for Group Community Impact. Additionally, our partner, the Special Olympics, received the Community Partnership Award. Congratulations to all for making an impact within our community