Stand with us for human rights and social justice

Stand with us for human rights and social justice


Our nation can endure deep crevices of poverty that hold people in bondage; while unjust, from its depth some of our brightest stars have risen and given hope to others. Our nation can withstand the unjust conditions of homelessness; for out of this national tragedy compassion thrives. Our nation will not crumble under the stress of political discord; such conflict brings forth the voice of a people. But hatred and its unruly expressions, burn the very soul of a nation and  among the  ruins, human dignity is lost.  The Barry University School of Social Work embraces the survivors of such expressions of hate and denounces anti-Semitism, racism, and violence. We stand on the premise, that our nation will not turn back. Our nation will not allow the snarls of hatred from our past to echo into our future. The best of our nation will stand against bigotry, dousing the flame of hatred that shames us. As a School, we stand resilient on the principle that all humans are created equal and have the earthly right to the pursuit of happiness; to walk the streets without fear; to worship, work, and learn without alarm; and be proud to be on American soil.  Be the Voice of Change. Stand with us for human rights and social justice.




Phyllis F. Scott, PhD.
