Barry’s Winter and Summer Term Study Option enables you to handle the demands of getting an advanced leadership degree in practical theology while managing your other responsibilities. You can complete this degree even if you live out of the South Florida area or out-of-state; you are required to be in residence for only two weeks, each term.
The winter and summer terms at Barry’s Miami Shores Campus include a six-week pre-residency period in which you will read all required texts and complete pre-residency assignments. (All books can be purchased online. Assignments can be emailed to the professors.) Classes meet for three hours daily, five days a week during a two-week residency. Following your residency, you will have six weeks to complete a research paper. Faculty members are available for consultation either by phone or email during the pre- and post- residency periods as well as the residency period.
The Department makes arrangements for student housing with a local hotel. The hotel is conveniently located near to campus and is situated on Florida’s scenic waterways. A reduced fee is charged, payable to the Department. If you intend to take advantage of this housing, please notify the Department of your intended date of arrival. You can email us at or call us at 305-899-3469.
Please note: Courses within the Institute for Hispanic/Latino Theology and Ministry are only offered in the winter and summer term. In addition, some seminars must be taken in the winter or summer term.