Course Descriptions

Exceptional Student Education (MS)

Exceptional Student Education (MS) Curriculum This program is designed for candidates who want to work with children and youth with mild disabilities (both academic and behavioral) in grades K-12.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credits for the master’s degree.

Core Courses

  • Analyzes the various forms of classroom organization, behavior management, and communication skills appropriate for managing the spectrum of students with exceptionalities. Supervised experience required.

  • Identifies language development and communication deficits and select appropriate instruction to meet individual student needs across educational settings.

  • Evaluates special needs of students with exceptionalities in the areas of employability skills, career awareness and transition planning for adult living. Field experience required.

  • Surveys instructional techniques for teaching children with learning disabilities, including specialized approaches in basic skills and adaptation of curriculum materials. Supervised field experience required.

  • This course compares various behavioral management techniques appropriate for children with autism and children with emotional handicaps. A minimum of eight (8) hours of field experience required.

  • Surveys instructional strategies for teaching students who are identified as having emotional handicaps, including instructional techniques, motivational strategies, development, implementation, and evaluation of individualized education plans as well as data base management. Supervised field experience required.

  • Presents an overview of the physical, mental, emotional, and social exceptionalities in children and their educational and social implications. Field experience required.

  • Proposes educational assessment techniques and procedures to provide an objective data base for individualizing instruction for children with exceptionalities. Field experience required.

  • Proposes educational assessment techniques and procedures to provide an objective data base for individualizing instruction for children with exceptionalities. A major emphasis is placed on exploring assessment and diagnosis of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). A minimum of eight (8) hours of field experience required.

  • Explores major research designs and methods emphasizing underlying assumptions, inquiry aims, participant selection, data collection and analysis, interpretation of findings, conclusions, and reporting.

  • ESE Concentrates on current programming practices and the development of appropriate learning environments for students with disabilities, including all resources within the continuum of services beyond the classroom. The different models, trends, and issues related to collaboration, inclusion, diversity, and mentoring of students with exceptionalities are explored.

  • Explores the history of autism, as well as neurological, cognitive, and environmental theories. Focuses on the educational characteristics of students with autism and related disabilities (i.e., Autistic Spectrum Disorders - ASD). Describes the social interaction, social communication, and imagination impairments of students with autism. Presents issues of identification and referral to special education. A minimum of eight (8) hours field experience required.

  • Surveys strategies appropriate for students with Autism, particularly the use of assistive and instructional technology, as well as natural, alternative and augmentative communication systems. A minimum of eight (8) hours field experience required.

  • Examines and evaluates curriculum models, including the administration of instructional systems and curriculum materials necessary for students with disabilities. Appropriate curriculum designs, based on federal laws, appropriation, staffing and Individualized Education programs will be explored. This course provides foundational information and competencies regarding the nature and needs of students with mild disabilities. Field experience required.

  • Continuous Enrollment is required every Fall and Spring semester and is optional every Summer until an “IP” (In Progress) grade has been converted to a letter grade.

Depending on the graduate student’s prior classroom experience and certification credentials, one of the two clinical field experience courses noted below may be recommended. Graduate students with no prior teaching experience are recommended to complete the ESE 599 Teaching Internship course.

Clinical Field Experience Courses

  • Provides the graduate ESE intern teacher with practical school-site teaching experiences under the supervision of a certified teacher and University personnel. Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA.

  • Applies knowledge, strategies, and skills relevant to exceptional students in the classroom. Field-based experience under the supervision of a University instructor.

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