Dr. Brenda Schoffstall
Refereed Presentations at Professional Meetings
March, 2022: Co-author; “A role for remote laboratory kits in increasing student personal responsibility during online instruction”. Presented at the Capital PKAL Regional Network Meeting, March 25, 2022, Virtual Meeting.
July, 2021: Co-author; “Cardiac troponin T amino terminus is required for inhibition of Ca 2+-dependent sliding of thin filaments”. Physiology 2021; The Physiological Society Annual Conference, July 12-16, 2021, Virtual Meeting.
December, 2020: First author; “Flexible utilization of remote lab kits in a hybrid teaching modality”. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 5-9, 2020, Virtual Meeting
December, 2019: Presenter and senior author; “Investigation of Potential for Green Tea and Honey as Natural Anti-Biofilm Agents”. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 6-11, 2019, Washington, DC.
December, 2018: Presenter and senior author; “Antibiotic and anti-biofilm activities of acetic acid and honey”. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 7-12, 2018, San Diego, CA.
December, 2017: Senior author; “Effects of acute hypoxia on zebrafish cardiac tissue”. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 2-6, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
December, 2017: Senior author; “The effects of acetic acid on biofilm formation and wound healing using a zebrafish model”. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 2-6, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Publications
Nicolas M. Brunet, P. Bryant Chase, Goran Mihajlovic, and Brenda Schoffstall. “Ca2+- regulatory function of the inhibitory peptide region of cardiac troponin I is aided by the C-terminus of cardiac troponin T: Effects of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutations cTnI R145G and cTnT R278C, alone and in combination, on filament sliding”. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 552-553 (2014) pp. 11-20.
Brenda Schoffstall, Nicholas Morales, and Jeremy Montague. “Note on photographing embryos and hatchlings of Leiobunum sp. Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae)”. Florida Entomologist, 2013, 96(2): 678-680.
Maxime J. Jean, Precious deVerteuil, Nicole H. Lopez, Joshua D. Tapia, and Brenda Schoffstall. “Adult Zebrafish Hearts Efficiently Compensate for Excessive Forced Overload Stress with Hyperplastic Cardiomegaly”. BioResearch Open Access, 2012, 1(2): 88-91.doi 10.1089/biores.2012.0201
Albuja, Laura, DNP
Assistant Professor
Salani, D., Albuja, L. D., & Zdanowicz, M. (2018). The Explosion of a New Designer Drug, Flakka: Implications for Practice.Journal of Addictions Nursing. Under Review
Leblanc, N., De Santis, J., & Albuja, L.D. (2018). The Uses of Self: Health Providers Approaches to Engaging People into the HIV Care Continuum. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. Under Review
Albuja, L., Cianelli, R., Anglade, D., Owusu, B., Joseph, L., & Sailsman, S. (2017).Women’s and Healthcare Workers’ Beliefs and Experiences Surrounding Abortion: The Case of Haiti. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12278.
Salani, D., Albuja, D., & Azaiza, K. (2015).The Keys to Success in Doctoral Studies: Pre-Immersion Course. Journal of Professional Nursing. 32(5), 358-363.
Deborah Salani, DNP, PMHNP-BC, ARNP and Laura Albuja, DNP, FNP-C, MS.Ed, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Hartford, CT, podium presentation, “The Explosion of a New Designer Drug – Flakka: Implications for Practice. Accepted
Laura Dean Albuja, DNP, FNP-C, National Student Nursing Association Monthly Meeting, Miami, FL, podium presentation, “NSNA Discussion.” Various topics including: DNP program, DNP capstone, discussion of pending and published articles, May, 2015
Antolchick, Jeanne, PhD, APRN, CRNA
Assistant Professor
Apr 2018 - Moffitt Cancer Center, Anesthesia Department – An Introduction to Non-Opioid Anesthesia & Its Implications for Patient Care
Mar 2018 - FANA 5th Annual Sand & Surf Anesthesia Symposium – Safe and Effective Prescribing of Controlled Substances – Opioid Crisis vs. Competency?
Sep 2017 - 9th Annual EBP / Research Conference, New Orleans, LA: Prefilled Syringe Standardization for Intravenous Anesthetic Agents: An Interprofessional Quality Improvement Recommendation (poster) by Erin E. Bauer DNP, CRNA and Jeanne M. Antolchick, Ph.D., CRNA
Sep 2017 - AANA Annual Congress – An Opioid Free Anesthetic: Magnesium, Lidocaine and low-dose Ketamine
Beason, Ferrona, PhD, ARNP
Assistant Professor
2016: Lindo, J., LePage, C. & Beason, F. (2016). "Should faculty assume first authorship on papers when students fail to draft papers from work they conducted during training?" Nursing Research, 65(2), 95.
2017: Colin, J., Walter, R., Beason, F., Lindo, J. & Chin, C.(2017).A descriptive study of girls’ access to structured and unstructured physical activities in South Florida public schools K-12. Presented onMay 19, 2017 at the 18th World Congress for Girls and Women in Sport Research to Action, Miami, FL
Chin, Claudette, PhD,
Assistant Professor
Lateral Violence among Nurses at a Jamaican Hospital: A mixed method study, In progress with Colleagues
The Effect of High-Fidelity Cultural Simulation on Cultural Competence Development, In progress with Colleagues
Small, M. M., Lindo, J., Aiken, J., & Chin, C (2017). Lateral violence among nurses at a Jamaican hospital: a mixed methods study. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 6(2), 85-91.
Collins, Cynthia, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, GNP
Associate Professer
Collins, C. (2016). Utilizing a logic model to identify clinical research problems: A lesson from philosophy of science. Research and Reviews, 2016 (96), p 41-49.
Collins, C. (2017, March). The evolving role of sons in elder care. Presented at Research Day, XI PSI Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Collins, C. (2015, November). The role of delegate: Serving STTI. Presented at Sigma Theta Tau International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
Colvin, Mary, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
Samson-Mojares, R.; Chin, C. Colvin, M.; Umadhay, T., (2017). "Where Do You Think You Are? A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing". Nursing Education Perspectives. (accepted for publication, 10/2017)
2015 Poster Presentation
Moral Distress in Academia: he Impact for Leadership in Nursing Lambda Chi Chapter, STTI Spring Research Conference Barry University, Miami Shores, FL
2016 Poster Presentation
Understanding students' experiences with an online orientation program prior to starting the bachelors of science in nursing degree Clare Owen PhD, RN, Lyndon Godsall EdD, Mary Colvin PhD, RN, CN Strategies for Achieving Interdisciplinary Success: Technology Fair and Poster Presentations ,Barry University, Miami Shores, FL
2016 Nursing Academic Practice Partnership (NAPP): Collaborative Project with Nova University, Baptist Health System, and Barry University Improving Clinical Experiences for Entry Level Students through Enhancing Adjunct Faculty Orientation, Teaching and Communication in Select Clinical Practice Settings
Presentation at Baptist Health for faculty and clinical unit leadership. Co-presenter, Dr. Gale Wooley, Associate Dean, UG Program, Nova University.
Samson-Morajes, R., Umadhay, A., Colin, J., & Colvin M. "Where do you think you are? A Grounded Theory Study of Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives. Accepted for Publication, October 31st, 2017.
Diaz-Cruz, Alina, MSN, MA, RN
Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
- University of Central Florida
Barry University
- REACH-UP Professional Leadership Panel, Discussion on Issues Affecting Practice and the Role of Advocacy in Nursing 2018
- Pre-Nursing Professional Panel, Discussion on the Challenges of Nursing School and Strategies to Succeed 2017
Dick, Ronald, PhD, RPH
Barry University
Pharmacology of Inhalational Anesthetics, Presented at the AANA Annual Congress, Salt Lake City, UT, August 29, 2015.
Pharmacology of Parenteral Anesthetics, Presented at the AANA Annual Congress, Salt Lake City, UT, August 29, 2015.
Hernandez-Pupo, Nora, PhD, TNCC, RN
8th Annual South Region Florida Nurses Association Symposium 4-14-2018 Three Poster presentations:
- A college and a University Collaborates on the "Moving on" project reducing childhood obesity in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic children.
- Human Trafficking Crisis.
- Foreign-educated physicians turned nurses: An integrated literature review.
Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress, Oral Presentation Title: A College and a University Collaborating on "Moving On" Project; Reducing Hispanic Childhood Obesity :ID#: 84336
Dublin, Ireland July 18-August 1Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress
STTI: Research Conference-February 8, 2017 Nursing: A Catalyst for Global Healthcare Re-Structuring through Advocacy, Policy, Philanthropy and Life-Long Learning" Presented Poster: FEPs turned Nurses: An Integrative Literature Review
"Moving "Niños Obesos" Project: Reducing Obesity in Hispanic and non-Hispanic Children." Oral presentation. July 21-25, 2016, Cape Town South Africa, Sigma Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress.
The Alarming Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Population Health Indicators." Podium presentation. February 24, 2016, Lambda Chi Chapter STTI Research Conference 2016.
"Promoting Quality and Safety Competencies from Academia to Practice: Moving towards a Real World Dissemination of Evidence Paradigm Shift." Poster presentation. April 9th, 2016, FNA 6th Annual South Region Symposium and Awards Ceremony.
Reducing Obesity in Hispanic Children 7/23/15-7/27/15 26th STTI International Nursing Research Congress NAHN Miami Chapter
Hershorin, Indra, PhD, RN, CNE
Associate Professor
Florida Nurses Association South Region 5th Annual Symposium and Awards Ceremony. Reflective Learning: Using a Blog in Clinical Nursing Education. Davie, FL. April 11, 2015. Poster Sigma Theta Tau International 26th International Nursing Research Congress. Mentoring Future Nurse Leaders: Collaboration between a Sigma Theta Tau Chapter and a Nursing Student Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 25, 2015. Podium
Broward College Department of Nursing Graduation and Candle Lighting Ceremony Keynote Address. "A Light to the Future: The Leader is in You". Coconut Creek, Florida. August 11, 2015
Barry University, Sigma Theta Tau International, Lambda Chi Chapter 25th Anniversary Gala Keynote Address "Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future". Signature Grand, Davie FL. October, 2015.
Barry University Center for Interdisciplinary Scholarship. Transformative Partnership through Scholarly Inquiry and Technology Fair. Reflective Learning: Using a Blog in Clinical Nursing Education. Miami, Florida. November 5, 2015. Poster
Sigma Theta Tau International, 27th International Research Congress. eHealth: Using Healthcare Information from the Internet in the Classroom. Cape Town, South Africa. July 23, 2016. Podium.
Sigma Theta Tau International, 28th International Nursing Research Congress Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance in Nursing. Dublin, Ireland, July 30, 2017. Poster
Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC). The Power of the Internet in Students Learning. Washington, DC, April 21, 2018. Podium.
Langen, Wendy, MCMSc, PA-C
Assistant Professor
Smith, S.L., Langen, W.H. (2020). A systematic review of mindfulness practices for improving outcomes in chronic low back pain. International Journal of Yoga, 13(3), 177-82. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7735497
Leal, Delia, PhD, ARNP, ACNP-BC, CCRN
Associate Professor
-May 18-23/2018 American Thoracic Society, San Diego California. Poster and Podium presentation: A rare case of chest pain: Cavitating Pleuro-Pneumonic Tularemia
-February 9/2018, Ultrasound Guidance placement of Pleural Catheter, indications, contraindications, and possible complications. Kendall Regional Medical Center Podium presentation
-The Association of Septic Thromboembolisms and Septic pulmonary emboli: 1/2017. Podium presentation GME research
-Atypical presentation of MRSA diskitis and aortic valve endocarditis: 8/2016 Poster presentation KRMC
-Peer Reviewed Podium Presentation: The Lived Experience of partners of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients. The Qualitative Report Annual Conference (January 16, 2016)
Lee, Rebecca, PhD, CRNA
Associate Professor
The Quarterly Review of Distance Education. Godsall, L. & Lee, R. (2015). The Quarterly Review of Distance Education. The Technology of Anesthesiology Online: Convenience in Course Design
Bauer, E., Lee, R., Campbell, Y. (2016). Preoperative Screening for Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: A Systematic Literature Review. AORN Journal, 104, 541-553.
Aleman-Ortega, H., Lee, R., Shambo, L., Czinn, E. (2017). Neuroaxial Anesthesia and the Use of Sterile Gowning. AORN Journal, 105, 184-192.
Peer Reviewed:
Situation Awareness the X Factor in Critical Decision Making. Poster Presentation, October 2015, the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA).
Current Trends in Carotid Endarterectomy Surgeries: Regional versus General Anesthesia. Podium Presentation, October, 2016, the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA).
Not Peer Reviewed:
Playing in the Same Sandbox: An Interprofessional Panel Discussion, Baptist Health Advanced Professional Practice Meeting, November 2017.
Anesthesiology for Podiatry, SPM 703. Barry University, School of Podiatric Medicine, 2016.
Milne, Faye, DNP, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor
Poster Presentation:
- NSNA Bullying Awareness Program for all Undergraduate Nursing Schools. NSNA National Convention 3/31-4/2/2016
- Presentation: The Impact of an Innovative Hybrid Orientation on Retention Rates on Fist-Semester Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Nursing Consortium of South Florida, Inc. 11/11/2016
Samson-Mojares, Roselle, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
October 31, 2017 Accepted for publication - Nursing Education Perspectives, "Where do you think you are? A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing"
February 25, 2015 Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chi Chapter Research Day Miami Shores, FL – poster- A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing
April 11, 2015 Fifth Annual Florida Nurses Association South Region Symposium Davie, FL – poster – A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing
July 21, 2015 GROOVE: Girls Realizing Options Through OpenSim Virtual Experiences (Supported by the National Institutes of Health) Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum and Science Miami, FL - Speaker for 3-D Virtual World– I am a Nurse
February 26, 2016 Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chi Research Day Davie, FL -poster - A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing
March 31, 2016 AWHONN Miami-Dade chapter educational dinner and meeting Miami, FL – Keynote speaker – Incivility in the workplace
February 8, 2017 Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chi Chapter Research Day- podium - Davie, FL - A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing
Shaw, Mureen, DNP, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor
3/28/2018: CCSI Community Engagement Symposium, Poster Presentation: ‘The Benefits of an Undergraduate Nursing Study Abroad Experience Towards Fostering Cultural Competence, Civic Responsibility, and Global Citizenship', Barry University, Miami, FL.
3/17/2018, Jamaican Nurses Association of Florida Annual Peer-Reviewed Education Seminar, Podium Presentation titled: "Healthcare In The Global Community," Miami, FL
11/14/2017: CNHS, Poster Presentation titled: ‘The Benefits of an Undergraduate Nursing Study Abroad Experience Towards Fostering Cultural Competence, Civic Responsibility, and Global Citizenship, Barry University, Miami, FL.
5/7/2017: Jamaica Nurses Association of Florida, Inc., Keynote Speaker, Nurses Week Service: "Translating Quality Into Practice", Broward, FL
4/ 2-4th, 2017: GANES (Global Alliance for Leadership In Nursing Education and Science) Podium Presentation and Poster Presentation: "The Benefits of Interdisciplinary Collaboration for both Student and Faculty in Study Abroad Programs", Miami, FL
3/19/2016, Jamaican Nurses Association of Florida Annual Peer-Reviewed Education Seminar, Podium Presentation titled: "Quality Improvement and Patient Safety," Miami, FL
7/2015, Sigma Theta Tau International-Lambda Chi Chapter Podium Presentation titled 'Mentoring Future Nurse Leaders: Collaboration between a Sigma Theta Tau Chapter and a Nursing Student Association,' San Juan, Puerto Rico
3/16/2015, Association For Prevention Teaching and Research, Co-Podium Presentation titled: "Incorporating Prevention and Population Health in a Community/Public Health Undergraduate Nursing Course through Service-Learning Activities," Charleston, SC.
Subramoney, Ronica, PhD, CCRN
Assistant Professor
June, 2015: Subramoney, R. (2015). The lived experience of Indian women with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. A phenomenological Inquiry. International Journal of Health Sciences, 3(2), 61-121. Doi:10.15640/ijhs.v3n2a10
July, 2016: Sigma Theta Tau International 28th International Research Congress: HIV and women in South Africa. Poster Sigma Theta Tau International 26th International Nursing Research Congress, Cape Town, South Africa
Umadhay, Tony, PhD, CRNA
Assistant Professor
Samson-Mojares, R.; Chin, C. Colvin, M.; Umadhay, T., (2017). "Where Do You Think You Are? A Grounded Theory Study of the Critical Factors Triggering the Existence and Fueling the Persistence of Incivility in Nursing". Nursing Education Perspectives. (accepted for publication, 10/2017)
Nedialkov, A., Umadhay, T., Valdes, J., Campbell, J. (2017). "Intralipids Use for the Treatment of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity: Best Practice" AANA Journal (accepted for publication 7/2017)
DeLuca, C., Umadhay, T., Fisher, M., (2016). "Laundering Methods for Reusable Surgical Scrubs: A Literature Review" AANA Journal, August 2016; 84(4):246 – 252
Shambo, L., Umadhay, T. Pedoto, A., (2015). "Music in the Operating Room: Is It a Safety Hazard?" AANA Journal, February 2015; 83(1):50-55
05/2017 International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women 18th World Congress, Miami, FL Opioid Epidemic and the Female Athlete (Umadhay, T., LePage, C.)
06/2016 University of Santo Tomas Nurses Association International (USTNAI) Education Forum, San Diego, CA Dominican Education: Creating the Thomasian Nurse Identity
03/2016 Institute of Health Science Education Georgetown Public Hospital, Georgetown, Guyana Multi-Modal Approaches to Acute Peri--Operative Pain Management (Umadhay, T., Valdes, J.)
07/2015 USTNAI Convention, Orlando, FL Anesthesia Care Nursing: An Innovative Approach to Improving Access to Healthcare in the Philippines
Velis, Evelio, MD, PhD
Velis E, Borras S, Khaja S. (2018). Mental Illness and Opioid Epidemic in the United States. European Scientific Institute, European Scientific Journal, August 2018 /Special Edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431.
Tirotta C.F, Nguyen, T., Fishberger S., Velis E., Olen, M., Lam, L., Madril, D. (2016). Dexmedetomidine use in patients undergoing electrophysiological study for Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias. Pediatric Anesthesia. ISSN 1156-5645. September, 2016.
Tirotta, C.F., Lagueruela, R., Danielle Madril, D. Velis, E., Ojito, J. et al. (2016). Fibrinogen Concentrate use in pediatric cardiac surgery patients. International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology. Ref: Article ID: IJAA-2-037 (ISSN: 2377-4630). Sprig 2016.
Raez LE, Santos ES, Mourafetis J, Kim A, Hunis B, Sareli C, Castillero L, Velis E. (2016). Lung Cancer Chromosomal Aberrations and Gene Expression Profiles of Hispanics Living in the US or Latin America are Similar. Journal of Thoracic Oncology (official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer), Vol. 11, Issue 10, S176. Published in issue: October 2016.
Velis E. & Shaw, G. (2015) Minority Populations Remain Vulnerable to Adverse Health Outcomes. Editorial Article. J Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. 2015, 1(2): 012.
Landa-Gonzalez, B., Velis, E. & Greg, K. (2015). Learning Styles as predictors of fieldwork performance and learning adaptability of graduate nontraditional occupational therapy students. Journal of Allied Health. Fall 2015, Vol. 44 (3), 136-142v.
Baysa, S. J., Olen, M., Velis, E., Fishberger, S. (2015). Upper Limit of Vulnerability Testing in Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease Patients. Submitted for publication to the Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. JCE-150519.
Velis E., Shaw G., Blandon K., (2015). The AIDS epidemic in South Florida: Black Non-Hispanics in our communities remain increasingly vulnerable. European Scientific Journal (ESJ), Special Edition, July 2015. ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e – ISSN 1857-7431.
LeCroy N., Calfa, C.J., Sareli C., Perez, A., Velis E., et al. (2015). Impact of sequencing weekly paclitaxel and dose-dense doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide on tolerability and relative dose intensity in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Accepted for publication in 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting Proceedings, Journal of Clinical Oncology supplement
Gandhi, R., Velis, E., Salgado, E., & Galvez-Jimenez, N. (2015). Electrophysiological Predictors of Seropositive and Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis. Neurology, 84; Supp. 14, P3-174.
Pasarón R., Burnweit C, Zerpa J, Malvezzi L, Knight C, Shapiro T, Velis E. (2015). Nitrous oxide procedural sedation in non-fasting pediatric patients undergoing minor surgery: a 12-year experience with 1,058 patients. Pediatric Surgery International. 2015 Feb; 31(2):173-80.
Velis E, Borras S, Khaja S. Mental Illness and Opioid Epidemic in the United States. European Scientific Institute, 12th International Scientific Forum, ISF 2018, 26-27 April 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
Marginean O., Velis E., Constantinescu A.R. Growth Suppression In Children With Frequently-Relapsing/Steroid-Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome. Brazil, Iguacu, international pediatric nephrology association (IPNA) meeting, this September, 2016.
Hayes-Macaluso M. K., Frau-Reyna D.M., Parbhu R., Velis E. (June 2016). Comparison Of Tomosynthesis Screening Mammography When Combined With Conventional 2D Digital Mammography Versus Low Dose Synthetic 2D Mammography: A Pilot Study In Women With 12 Dense Breast Tissue Undergoing Same Day Breast Ultrasound. Submitted to the Radiological Society of North America's (RSNA) 102nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 27 - December 02, 2016 (including sessions in joint sponsorship with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine).
Tirotta C.F, Velis E., et al. (2016, April). Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor Validation Study in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery patient, Paper presented at the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA) in conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. SPA/AAP Pediatric Anesthesiology 2016 Meeting, April 1-3, 2016 at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, CO.
Velis E., Bivins B., Hernandez-Pupo N., Wallace R., et al. (2016, March). The Alarming Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Population Health Indicators. 6th Annual South Region Florida Nurses Association (FNA) Symposium and Award Ceremony, March 2016. Barry University, Miami Shores, FL.
Tirotta C.F, Nguyen, T., Fishberger S., Velis E., Olen, M., Lam, L., Madril, D. (2015, October). Dexmedetomidine use in patients undergoing electrophysiological study for Atrial Tachyarrhythmias. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Session ID: P15-2, No. A2129. Oct 24th to 28th, San Diego, CA.
Raez L.E., Mourafetis J., Kim A., Hunis B., Sareli C., Velis E., Black M., (2015, September). Genomic Analysis of Lung Cancer Tumors from Hispanic Patients Living in US. Oral presentation. 16TH World Conference on Lung Cancer. Program Nr. 420, Session: Oral 30. September 6th – 9th, Denver, CO.
Baysa S.J., Velis E., Fishberger S.B. (2015, June). Efficacy of Chloral Hydrate vs. Pentobarbital in Oral Sedation for Transthoracic Echocardiography, A Retrospective Review. Paper presented at the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) 26th Annual Scientific Sessions. Jun12-16. Boston, MA.
Velis E., Shaw G., Blandon K., (2015, May). The AIDS epidemic in South Florida: Black Non-Hispanics in our communities remain increasingly vulnerable. Paper presented at the 3rd Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities, MIFS 2015. May 17th -19th 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
LeCroy N., Calfa, C.J. Velis E., et al. (2015, May). Impact of sequencing weekly paclitaxel and dose-dense doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide on tolerability and relative dose intensity in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Presented at the 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting Proceedings, May 30th, Chicago, IL.
Baysa S.J., Olem M.M., Velis E., Fishberger S.B. (2015, May). Upper Limit of Vulnerability Testing in Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Presented at the Heart Rhythm Society’s 36th Annual Scientific Sessions. PO03-195, May 13-16, 2015 Boston, MA.
Landa-Gonzalez, B., Velis, E. and Greg, K. (2015, April). Learning styles as predictors of fieldwork performance and learning adaptability of graduate nontraditional occupational therapy students. The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo. April14th -17th, 2015, Nashville, TN.
Tirotta, C.F., Lagueruela, R., Danielle Madril, D. Velis, E., Ojito, J. et al. (2015-March). Fibrinogen Concentrate use in pediatric cardiac surgery patients. Paper presented at the 13 Congenital Anesthesia Society meeting and the Society of Pediatric Anesthesia meeting in Phoenix, AZ, March 2015.
Yacoob, Corvette, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Feb 2016 Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chi Research Day Davie, FL.
"Towards A Competency-Based Assessment Tool For Family Nurse Practitioners: Reviewing FNP Competency Practices"
April 2018 South Region Florida Nurses Association 8th Annual Spring Symposium and Awards Ceremony "Towards A Competency-Based Assessment Tool For Family Nurse Practitioners: Reviewing FNP Competency Practices"