Federal regulations require that you complete a student loan entrance interview before you can receive a Federal Direct Loan. You must also complete a student loan exit interview prior to graduating or within 30 days after you drop below half-time status. The purpose of these requirements is to help you understand your rights and obligations as a student borrower.
Most loans have a "grace" period of at least six months. You do not have to start repayment until the end of the grace period. The grace period starts whenever you graduate, withdraw, or are enrolled in less than 6 credit hours.
One-on-one financial counseling is available to Barry Law students through Student Financial Services or AccessLex, a non-profit organization dedicated to financial literacy. Students can schedule in-person or virtual counseling sessions at any time throughout the year. Information and links for scheduling these sessions are provided at AccessLex workshops, emailed to all students, or available by contacting Student Financial Services at lawfinaid@barry.edu for more details.
If you cannot complete your Entrance/Exit Interview online, please contact the Office of Student Financial Services via e-mail at lawfinaid@barry.edu for additional information.
Your school records will be placed on hold if you have not completed an Exit Interview Requirement.