- 2018 "Guild Work, Guild Glory: Sixteenth-Century Antwerp Artists' Work for the Antwerp Saint Luke's Guild," in Präsanz und Sichtbarkeit von Künstlern, Zünften und Brüderschaften in der Vormoderne [Presence and Visibility of Artists, Guilds and Brotherhoods in the Premodern Era], Michael Imhof Publishers, Peterberg
- 2017 "The Red Jew, Red Altarpiece and Jewish Iconography in Jan de Beer's St. Joseph and the Suitors," in The Primacy of the Image in Northern European Art, 1400-1700: Essays in Honor of Larry Silver, Brill Publishers, Leiden
- Jan de Beer entries in François Ier et l'art des Pays-Bas [Francis I and the Art of the Low Countries], exh. catalogue, Musée du Louvre, Paris
- 2014-17 "Meister A.M. und Jan de Beer: Die Beweinung Christi im Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum" [Master A.M. and Jan de Beer: The Lamentation in the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum], Aachener Kunstblätter 66
- 2016 Jan de Beer: Gothic Renewal in Renaissance Antwerp, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium
- 2018 Peter van den Brink and Dan Ewing, "Two 'New' Paintings by Jan de Beer: Technical Studies, Connoisseurship, and Provenance Research," in Technical Studies of Paintings: Problems of Attribution (Symposium XIX for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Bruges, 11-13 September 2014), Paris-Louvain-Bristol
- 2015 "Jan de Beer's Lifetime Reputation and Posthumous Fate," JHNA 7/2, DOI: 10.5092/jhna.2015.7.2.1
- 2011 "Joos van Cleve und Leonardo: Italienische Kunst in niederländischer Übersetzung" [Joos van Cleve and Leonardo: Italian Art in Netherlandish Translation], in Joos van Cleve: Leonardo des Nordens, exh. catalogue, Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen, Germany
- 2009 "Art History Forward, and Back," The Sixteenth Century Journal, 40/1
- 2008 "Addendum à Jan van Eyck, les Alpes et la lune" [Addendum to Jan van Eyck, the Alps and the Moon], Revue de l'art 160/2
- 2007 "Multiple Advantages, Moderate Production: Thoughts on Patinir and Marketing," in Patinir: Essays and Critical Catalogue, exh. catalogue, Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado
- 2005 Jan de Beer, Master of Amiens, Pseudo-Bles – 20 entries plus De Beer Biography, in ExtravagAnt! A Forgotten Chapter of Antwerp Painting, 1500-1530, exh. catalogue, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, and Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 2004 "Magi and Merchants: The Force Behind the Antwerp Mannerists' Adoration Pictures," Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
- 2000 "Antwerp Mannerism," in From Renaissance to Impressionism: Styles and Movements in Western Art, 1400-1900, New York
- 1997 "Promise and Discovery: Beginning a New Academic Year," Liberal Education 83/3
- 1997 The History of Houghton House and Its Grounds, Geneva, New York: 1852-1970, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, historical essay
- 1996 "Antwerp Mannerism," "Beer, Jan de," and "Master of Amiens," in The Dictionary of Art, London (online at www.OxfordArtOnline.com)
- 1994 "Archival Notes: Jan de Beer and Hendrik van Wueluwe (the Master of Frankfurt)," Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
- 1992 "The New Paintings," in Avery Falkner: Recent Work, exh. catalogue, J. & C. Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- 1990 "Marketing Art in Antwerp, l460-l560: Our Lady's Pand," The Art Bulletin, 72/4
- 1987 "Richard Upjohn and the Gothic Revival in America," in Upjohn Gothic Revival Architecture in Geneva, New York: Original Drawings and Historic Photographs, exh. catalogue, Geneva Historical Society, Geneva, NY
- 1986 "The Baptism of Christ by Hans Rottenhammer," MUSE: Annual of the Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri - Columbia 20
- 1984 "A Rediscovered Holy Kindred by Jan de Beer," Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
- 1983 "Some Documentary Additions to the Biography of Jan de Beer," Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
- 1980 "A New Crucifixion by Jan de Beer," Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
- 1979 "Joos van Cleve, St. John the Baptist on Patmos," entry in Eighty Works in the Collection of the University of Michigan Museum of Art: A Handbook, Ann Arbor, MI
- 1979 "Further Observations on the Bruges Madonna: Ghiberti Sources for Michelangelo," Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art 48
- 1978 "The Influence of Michelangelo's Bruges Madonna," Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art 47
- 1976 Early Northern painting entries in The Toledo Museum of Art: European Paintings, catalogue of the collection, Toledo, OH
- 1974 "A New Sebastiano Ricci," The Toledo Museum of Art Museum News 17/3
- 1973 Editor, Albert Kahn, Architect Abroad: Drawings from his European Travels, l890-l930, exh. catalogue, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI
- B.A., University of California
- M.A. in Art History, University of Michigan.
- Ph.D. in Art History, University of Michigan.
Born in Southern California, Dan Ewing received his B.A. from the University of California and his M.A. and Ph.D. in art history from the University of Michigan. Before joining the Barry faculty in 2000 he taught for nineteen years at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in western New York, and briefly at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, the University of Rochester in New York state, and Broward Community College in South Florida, as well as participating in off-campus study programs in London and Los Angeles. His research interests focus on early Flemish and Dutch painting, including the rise of Antwerp as a European art center and the marketing infrastructures for Renaissance art produced on speculation for the open market. His scholarly work has been published in American, Belgian, Dutch, British, Spanish, French, German and Korean publications, and he has been the recipient of research grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (twice), the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Renaissance Society of America, the American Philosophical Society, and the Ambassador Jean Wilkowski International Fellowship awarded by Barry University. His book on the Renaissance artist Jan de Beer is being published by Brepols in Belgium.
- 2018 Ann van Oosterwijk, ed., Forgotten Masters: Pieter Pourbus and Bruges Painting from 1525 to 1625, exh. catalogue, Groenigemuseum, Bruges, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Reviews (online at HNAR)
- 2017 Marisa Anne Bass, Jan Gossart and the Invention of Netherlandish Antiquity, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books, 34/1
- 2016 Micha Leeflang, Joos van Cleve: A Sixteenth-Century Antwerp Artist and his Workshop, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books, 33/1.
- 2015 Jan Piet Filedt Kok, Walter Gibson and Yvette Bruijnen, Cornelis Engebrechtsz: A Sixteenth-Century Leiden Artist and his Workshop, in The Burlington Magazine 157
- 2014 Eric Jorink and Bart Ramakers, eds., Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek 61/2011 (special issue on “Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands”), in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 31/2
- 2014 Michel Weemans, Herri met de Bles: Les Ruses du paysage au temps de Bruegel et d’Érasme [Herri met de Bles: The Deceptions of Landscape in the Age of Bruegel and Erasmus], in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 31/2
- 2014 Alexandre Galand, The Flemish Primitives, VI: The Bernard van Orley Group, in Renaissance Quarterly 67/3
- 2014 Bart Ramakers, ed., Understanding Art in Antwerp: Classicising the Popular, Popularising the Classic (1540-1580), in BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 129/1
- 2013 Yvette Bruijnen, Jan Rombouts: The Discovery of an Early Sixteenth-Century Master in Louvain, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 30/2
- 2012 Larry Silver, Pieter Bruegel, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 29/1
- 2012 Koenraad Jonckheere, Willem Key (1516 – 1568): Portrait of a Humanist Painter, with an Appendix to the Oeuvre of Adriaen Thomasz. Key, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 29/1
- 2011 Maryan W. Ainsworth, ed., Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart’s Renaissance – The Complete Works, exh. catalogue, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and National Gallery, London, in caa.reviews, DOI:10.3202/caa.reviews.2011.79
- 2010 Karen L. Bowen and Dirk Imhof, Christopher Plantin and Engraved Book Illustrations in Sixteenth-Century Europe, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 27/1
- 2009 Margaret D. Carroll, Painting and Politics in Northern Europe: Van Eyck, Bruegel, Rubens, and Their Contemporaries, in caa.reviews, DOI: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2009.34
- 2006 Dagmar Eichberger, ed., Women of Distinction: Margaret of York, Margaret of Austria, exh. catalogue, Lamot Center, Mechelen, Belgium, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter and Review of Books 23/2
- 2006 Dirk de Vos, The Flemish Primitives: The Masterpiece, in The Sixteenth Century Journal 37/1
- 2004 John Michael Montias, Art at Auction in Seventeenth Century Amsterdam, in the Newsletter of the American Association for Netherlandic Studies 61/1
- 2003 Scott L. Montgomery, The Moon and the Western Imagination, in The Sixteenth Century Journal 34/4
- 2000 Elizabeth Alice Honig, Painting and the Market in Early Modern Antwerp, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter 17/2
- 2000 Ethan Matt Kavaler, Pieter Bruegel: Parables of Order and Enterprise, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter 17/2
- 2008 Renaissance Society of America, Kress Research Grant
- 2008 Ambassador Jean Wilkowski International Fellowship, Barry University
- 1995 Convocation Speaker, Provost invited, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY
- Topic: “What’s Love Got to Do with It?”
- Address published in Liberal Education, Fall 1997, Volume 83
- 1990 Faculty Prize for Community Service, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, colleague nominated award
- 1988 National Endowment for the Humanities, Travel-to-Collections Grant
- 1983 American Philosophical Society, Grant-in-Aid
- 1981 National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Research Stipend
- 1978 Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Dissertation Grant, University of Michigan
- 1976 Samuel H. Kress Foundation, Dissertation Research and Travel Grant
- 1971 Phi Beta Kappa, academic honor society
- 1971 Phi Kappa Phi, academic honor society
- 2016 Paper on Antwerp artists’ work for the Antwerp painters’ guild, international conference on Material Culture, the European Research Council, Munich, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
- 2014 Peter van den Brink and Dan Ewing, joint paper on technical studies of two paintings by Jan de Beer, international Symposium XIX for the Study of Underdrawings and Technology in Painting, Bruges, Belgium
- 2014 Paper on Jan de Beer’s reputation, Historians of Netherlandish Art international conference, Boston University, Boston
- 2011 Presentation on The Artist and His Studio for the “Rubens and His World” Symposium, organized in conjunction with the exhibition of the same title, Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami
- 2010 Paper on artistic self-fashioning in the art of Albrecht Dürer, Faculty Psychotherapy Seminar, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York
- 2009 Paper on artistic self-awareness and noble ambition in the art of Jan van Eyck, Faculty Psychotherapy Seminar, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York
- 2009 Paper on the art of Jan de Beer, New York Psychoanalytic Institute, New York
- 2008 Dr. Francis Baudry and Dan Ewing, paper on guilt, faith, redemption and salvation in the art of Caravaggio, Barry University, Miami Shores
- 2007 Dr. Francis Baudry and Dan Ewing, dialogue/presentation on absence and imagination in Vermeer’s Art of Painting, Florida Psychoanalytic Society, Coral Gables
- 2007 Invited discussant, Scholars’ Study Day for the exhibition, Joachim Patinir and the Invention of Landscape, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
- 2007 Paper on the appeal of non-classical art in sixteenth-century Northern Europe, Renaissance Society of America international conference, Miami
- 2007 Panel organizer and co-chair with Professor Rebecca Brienen ,“Constructions of Masculinity in Early Modern Netherlandish Art, 1500-1650,” Renaissance Society of America conference, Miami
- 2006 Invited discussant, Scholars’ Study Day for the exhibition, ExtravagAnt! A Forgotten Chapter of Antwerp Painting, 1500-1530, sponsored by the Netherlandish Research School for Art History, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 2006 Lecture on Rembrandt as a master printmaker, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables
- 2004 Paper on Antwerp Mannerist painting and the Antwerp market, Sixteenth Century Studies international conference, Toronto, Canada
- 2003 Paper on space and sex in fifteenth-century Netherlandish art, University of Miami, Coral Gables
- 2002 Paper on civic iconography in Antwerp Adoration paintings, Southeastern College Art conference, Mobile, AL
- 2001 Paper on the gendering of space in Campin and Van Eyck, Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies conference, Philadelphia
- 2000 Paper on style and symbolism in the art of Jan de Beer, Sixteenth Century Studies international conference, Cleveland
- 1996 Paper on Antwerp market pictures and merchant culture, Circle of Art Historians of Western New York, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
- 1995 Paper on art and capitalism in Antwerp, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- 1994 Paper on the artistic and economic impact of the early Antwerp art market, “Antwerp: Artworks and Audiences” Symposium, Smith College, Northampton, MA
- 1988 Presentation on architectural preservation in Geneva, NY, Landmark Society of Western New York, Rochester, NY
- 1988 Paper on marketing art in Antwerp’s Cathedral district, 1468-1547, College Art Association national conference, Houston
- 1987 Presentation on and walking tour of the Geneva architecture of Richard Upjohn and Richard Michell Upjohn, 1862-1895, for the Society of Architectural Historians – Western New York Group, Geneva, NY
- 1985 Paper on classical Greek and Roman painting and their Renaissance renewals, symposium at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY
- 1984 Paper on Federal Style, Greek Revival Style, and cobblestone construction in Central New York architecture, 1820-1840, Geneva Historical Society, Geneva, NY
- 1983 Paper on artistic innovation in sixteenth-century Antwerp art, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
- 1980 Paper on infrared reflectography as a new research tool in early Netherlandish art, “New Methodologies in Art History” Symposium, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
- 1976 Paper on Michelangelo’s Bruges Madonna,” Graduate Students Symposium, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 1974 Discussant on the panel on museum training and internships, College Art Association national conference, Detroit, MI