Mitchell Rosenwald, Ph.D., LCSW


Mitchell Rosenwald, Ph.D., LCSW
Mitchell Rosenwald, Ph.D., LCSW Professor


  • Ph.D., University of Maryland - Baltimore, 2004
  • MSW, University of Maryland - Baltimore, 1997
  • MA in Sociology, Syracuse University, 1993
  • BA in Sociology and Economics, Salisbury State University, 1992

Areas of Interest

Historical trauma, Child welfare, Trauma-informed group work, Homelessness, LGBTQ population needs


Dr. Mitch Rosenwald joined the Barry University School of Social Work faculty in 2007 and served as the Ph.D. Program Director. He teaches a variety of courses including Advanced Clinical Practice with Groups and Social Policy and Social Change. Dr. Rosenwald co-authored Advocating for Children in Foster and Kinship Care (Columbia University Press) and edited One Paradigm, Many Worlds: Conflict Resolution across the Disciplines (Cambridge Scholars Press). He has published a number of peer-reviewed articles on research including youth transitioning from foster care, LGBT service delivery within child welfare agencies, foster parents’ perspectives of youth in care, group work, and political diversity and the profession. His book, Political Diversity and Social Work (Columbia University Press) will be published in 2021. He served as a co-evaluator on the Evaluation of the HEART Model (Housing First model) for the U. S. Children’s Bureau. As a faculty affiliate of the Florida Institute of Child Welfare, he conducted a developmental evaluation of the Results Oriented Accountability (ROA) Program of the Florida Department of Children and Families. He served as the former Coordinator of Barry’s Title IV-E Stipend for Child Welfare Program. His child welfare practice experience includes serving as a Guardian ad Litem in Florida and was a Child Protection Investigator in Maryland. A licensed clinical social worker, Dr. Rosenwald is a Past President of the National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter (NASW-FL), and received the Social Worker of the Year Award from NASW-FL in 2009. He was awarded the Service-Learning Faculty Award in 2016 from Barry, the Spirit of Service-Learning Award sponsored by the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of South Florida in 2015, and the Sister Jeanne O’Laughlin, O.P. Scholar’s Award in 2013. Dr. Rosenwald received his BA in Sociology and Economics from Salisbury State University, his MA in Sociology from Syracuse University, and his MSW and PhD from University of Maryland at Baltimore’s School of Social Work.

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