The Department will provide The Capstone Process for the Master of Arts in Practical Theology and Ministry consists of three components: a Synthesis Project, Written Comprehensive Examinations, and an Oral Examination on the contents of the thesis and the comprehensives.
The Synthesis Project includes application of Practical Theological Methodology to a ministerial situation and the sustained integration of at least one other theological discipline. It includes a 1-credit Research Seminar conducted as an independent study by an assigned faculty member during one semester and not longer than two consecutive semesters or one full academic year. The Research Seminar culminates in the satisfactory completion of a 25 – 30 page Synthesis Project paper which must engage the four tasks of practical theology in sustained engagement with another theological discipline (Biblical, Systematic, Moral, Sacramental/ Liturgical). The synthesis paper is assessed by examiners in the areas of theological methodology and the theological discipline used in the project.
Students also complete Written Comprehensive Examinations in the four theological disciplines not utilized in the Synthesis Project. Using historical critical method, as well as contemporary, contextual / practical theological perspectives, students are expected to integrate course content as well as other bibliographic resources into each theological area. The written exams are timed (1 hour per question) and proctored by the Comprehensive Examination Committee of the Graduate Theology Committee.
Students then sit for Oral Examination on the contents of the Synthesis Project and the Written Comprehensives. This examination is conducted by at least three members of the Graduate Theology Committee and may take up to one and a half hours. Examiners question students on the theological content and methodology of the synthesis project and written examination.
Contact Us. If you have any questions regarding the graduation requirements for the Master’s in Practical Theology and Ministry, please feel free to contact us online or you can call us at 305-899-3469 or 1-800-756-6000, ext. 3469.