
Kinesiology and Human Performance, MS

Kinesiology and Human Performance, MS Laboratories The Human Performance Laboratory, the Motion Analysis Center Lab, and Performance Behavior Lab are housed in the Sport and Exercise Sciences (SES) and allow students to conduct cross-disciplinary research.

These three labs are designed and equipped to provide our students with advanced academic training and practical experience in the exercise and health sciences. Our facilities provide an optimal environment for faculty and students to develop, test, and apply knowledge, skills, and competencies, and to integrate their Barry University core commitments. Knowledge and Truth, Collaborative Service and Inclusive Community. 

Moreover, these laboratories can be used to deliver the absolute best hands-on instruction to undergraduate and graduate students in our Exercise Physiology and Athletic Training programs as well as interested students from other programs across campus. Students will learn how to collect and analyze data from conducting several research studies and/or enhancing sports performance and athletic achievement by testing sport-specific physical characteristics and developing individualized training recommendations based on test results. SES faculty is committed to educate their students through hands-on strategies and comprehensive evidence-based practice research.

Motion Analysis Center Lab

The Motion Analysis Center Lab (MAC-Lab), a new state-of-the-art research center, is operated jointly by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the School of Podiatric Medicine. The 780 square feet lab contains the latest equipment and computer software programs used for analyzing human movement. Hands-on experience in our laboratory will enable you to gain the skills necessary to correctly apply selected quantitative movement analysis techniques to activities of daily living, sport, and the workplace.

Human Performance Laboratory (HPL)

Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) is equipped with a variety of exercise ergometers (e.g. treadmills, cycle ergometer, and canoe ergometer), Quinton® electrocardiography and stress-testing system with treadmill, the latest Parvo-Medics® and COMSED® respiratory gas analysis equipment with a Trackmaster® TMX428CP. These systems enable us to determine cardiorespiratory fitness and aerobic power; blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiographic and other hemodynamic responses to exercise; and, exercise energy expenditure using the latest technology. In addition, Biodex® system is used to assess functional strength, endurance, balance, and mobility.

Human Performance Laboratory is also equipped with both an underwater weighing - hydrostatic tank and a state-of-the-art BODPOD™, air-displacement plethysmography system for estimating body composition. Body composition may also be estimated using bioelectrical impedance (BIA) with Hydra Xitron® and skin fold techniques. The Parvo-Medics® and COSMED® respiratory gas analysis systems are able to assess resting energy expenditure. Together, the measurements of body composition and energy expenditure provide important information for formulating specific exercise interventions and monitoring weight loss programs.

HPL carries a variety of free weights that provide us the ability to test muscular strength and endurance with single-and multi-joint exercises. Resistance training – as part of research and outreach activities - is conducted in this facility. This facility also serves as a place to introduce and develop specific instruction techniques for monitoring individualized resistance training interventions.

HPL Testing & Assessment Capabilities

  • Anaerobic Capacity Testing (Monark® Wingate and Tandemsport®)
  • Blood Collection & Assessment (clinical chemistries: metabolic and lipid panels, electrolytes, kidney and liver function, CBC and differentials, hormone analyses, etc.)
  • Body Composition (Hydrostatic tank, BODPOD, BIA, skinfolds, waist circumference)
  • Cardiopulmonary/ECG Exercise Stress Testing
  • Exercise Prescription and Training
  • Metabolic Stress Testing (oral glucose tolerance, measures of post-prandial lipemia)
  • Nutritional Analysis
  • Respiratory Gas Analysis (resting and maximum oxygen consumption, ventilatory threshold testing, resting and exercise energy expenditure)
  • Sports-Specific Endurance Performance Testing (treadmill and cycle ergometry)
  • Strength Testing (Isokinetic & Isotonic)
  • Total Body Water Assessment (via BIA)

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