A Message from Student Health Services

A Message from Student Health Services

Student Health Services wish the Barry community a Happy and Healthy New Year.

As faculty and staff members, you are important partners in our efforts to address the challenges of a very active seasonal Flu for 2015. Remember, it is not too late to vaccinate! Flu vaccines are available in Student Health Services.

We encourage any faculty and staff who see students who appear ill to advise them to:

  • Visit Student Health Services in Landon 104
  • Explain to students what they can do to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Physically distance themselves from others who are coughing or sneezing or who do not look well.
  • Remind students to wash their hands thoroughly several times a day.

We understand class attendance is vital, however, we respectfully request that you consider relaxing your class attendance or work study schedule for students affected by the Flu virus. Individuals with flu-like symptoms but without risk factors or complications may be instructed to stay home rather than go to a medical facility. Consequently, some students may not have official confirmation of the virus. 

We will continue to communicate regularly with our faculty and staff members about this public health challenge. We also encourage you to visit www.FLU.gov where you will find updates and links to additional resources on the web.

Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to our students’ health and well-being.

The Staff of Student Health Services

Below is a chart to determine a Cold from the Flu for your reference:






Unusual; high (100ºF - 102ºF)


Not usually

Usual and expected

General Aches, Pains


Usual, often severe

Fatigue, Weakness


Usual; up to 2-3 weeks

Extreme Exhaustion


Usual; at beginning

Stuffy Nose

Most common symptom





Sore Throat

Mild to moderate


Chest Discomfort, Cough

Mild-Moderate cough usually non productive

Common, can be severe


Antihistamines, Decongestant Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory meds

Antiviral medicines - See your doctor


Wash hands often, Avoid close contact - anyone with a cold

Annual vaccination, antiviral medicines - See your doctor


Sinus congestion, Middle ear infection, Asthma

Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Can be life threatening