Discover your Calling

Discover your Calling

Most people live without a sense of meaning and work without a sense of passion.

Without passion, life is work. With passion, work is a hobby and life is the reward.

People will spend 8, 10, or 12 hours at work each day. That is one-third of a day, one-third of a week, and one-third of a lifetime. If we are miserable with our career, we are miserable with one-third of our lifetime. That’s 33%! 33% incorrect on any exam in the country is a 67, which corresponds to a “D.” If we are miserable with your career, we get a “D” in life. This is unacceptable.

Join us to learn how to get an “A" in life and create the life of your dreams!

Event will feature Collegiate Empowerment. Collegiate Empowerment is a 501c3 nonprofit educational production company committed to Helping College Students Get What They Want & Need.

Date: Thursday, November 1st
Time: 7pm
Location: Landon Events Room